The conversation went something like this – We have *crap* (technical term) internet service @ RAC Exmouth Cape Holiday Park and it is affecting our phones, office and guest internet. This issue has been ongoing for years and is yet to be resolved. Can you see what you can do.
This might sound like a first world problem. But it is a big issue when you can’t take phone calls, or the calls just drop out while your on the phone to a customer, or your unable to access the property management system to make the booking, or check someone in. This results in loss of revenue and a lot of frustration for both staff and customer.
We took the time to investigate the issues and all the available options. After this review, we developed a business case for a new internet service over fibre with 1:1 contention ratio.
The service selected was an NBN Enterprise Ethernet service through one of our business partners. The service allows us to scale it up to 1/1Gbps at any stage in the future.
Through negotiations with NBN we were able achieve a $0 upfront NBN build cost for the client.
Once the business case was approved, we were than engaged to manage the process from order through to commissioning of the new service.
Last week we completed the commissioning of the new service and it has successfully stabilised the property’s ICT platform.
I take my hat NBN and Downer who completed the installation in record time for a new fibre build.
From order to commissioning of the service, it took them just 8 weeksSteven Bundesen
We now have the task of improving the guest wifi across the property and remove the 3rd party wifi provider. This will allow the property to control the charge structure of the guest wifi and provides a revenue stream for the property (not the 3rd party).
If your business has an ICT issue that needs a solution or your ICT platform requires management, please reach out to us and we would be happy to assist.