What you don't know about your business can depend on what phone system you have and how it is setup up.
We have been working with numerous for profit and not for profit businesses which rely heavily on their phones for revenue. We have been highlighting what they DONT know about their business operations when they are operating in the dark.
We have helped turn the spot light on an area of their business which they just took for granted because they never had the information. Information that highlights that x number of calls received are not being answered.
In some cases the number of missed calls has been higher than the number of answered calls.
With the correct reporting, it provides the business the tools to manage the staff, set KPI and monitor the performance of individuals.
Once the business has visibility, they can make informed decisions to put measures in place to reverse the negative trends.
Business Intelligence With No Reporting
Business Intelligence with Reporting
There are a lot of options available when it comes to phone systems and how they are configured, it is not a one size fits all.
If your currently operating in the dark and have little or visibility of your calls, we are keen to show you some options.